On our way to Matheran's Bazarpeth we spotted a snake ? a du-tondi? (du - prefix for two, tondi - face) 2-faced one. This snake's tail also looks likes its head and hence the belief that it has two heads. After the little fellow posed for a few ... We entered the estate to find a sprawling ruin, boarded up, partly caved in and now overgrown with trees and moss and creepers. We found a small outhouse which had a caretaker and his family and struck a conversation with him. ...
Ventimila euro tondi tondi, che forse le serviranno per studiare, come voleva il Premier, o forse per organizzare il matrimonio con il suo Luca Risso. In ogni caso non si pu? certo dire che da tutta questa storia la bella Ruby non ci abbia guadagnato, ?macchiamento? del nome a parte, come direbbe lei. ... La coppia dell'estate? Canalis Clooney? Sinceramente a me di questa coppia non ? che me ne freghi pi? di tanto, ma ovviamente il caso ...
Try to stay at Hotel Ancora smack in the middle of town and make sure to have a meal at the Capanna Tondi on top of Monte Faloria. At night, squeeze into the tiny Enoteca for a glass of Veneto wine with plenty of new friends. ...